Literary CV

I have always loved words, the vehicle of my emotions, a music of the soul. The words challenge me, bring me elsewhere, make me dream. One word and my imagination is on the way. Where does my source of inspiration come from? Sometimes a visual artwork, sometimes a verse from someone else, sometimes random words pointed in the dictionary or elsewhere, sometimes subjects imposed in the context of a workshop. Often an event lived intensely. The News are also involved. The procedure does not matter. On the other hand, the emotion that emerges from the text is very important to me and represents ‘the essential’. The text must absolutely return the emotion that inhabits me.

I sign my poems Eugenia to dissociate my painted works from my writings. Also to pay tribute to the two most important women of my life, my mother Eugenie who showed me perseverance and resilience as well as my grandmother Exilda who passed on to me her passion for the arts and the taste for writing. An amalgam of these two names with emotional resonance.

Self-taught, native of Saint-Étienne de Beauharnois, Claudette Poirier painter and Eugénia poet, one and the same person. For me, everything is an excuse to relate a story, whether visual or literary. I am a member of RAAV (2001), Culture Montérégie (2002) and the Cercle des Poètes de la Montérégie (2011).

It was following dramatic events, experienced live, at short intervals, including the death of my boss at the office (1985), followed by my husband’s death at age 46 (1986), as well as the Polytechnique massacre (1989), that I consult a psychologist. She strongly advises me to put words to the emotions that suffocate me. This is how this writing adventure begins.

In 2015, I wrote the book « Montserrat, initiateur de changements » the intense and extraordinary experience lived in Montserrat, a great factor of change in my artistic approach, a biographical collection containing texts, poetry, and images before and after Montserrat.

In order to demonstrating that everyone’s experience influences the creation and perception of an artistic work, I created in 2008 the event « Mille mots en images » where, side by side, painters and poets speak on an imposed theme. The last 8th collection was published in 2020 « Méditation poétique sur les pierres sauvages », ISBN : 978-2-9813346-5-7.

More recently, in June 2018, I had the pleasure of participating in the International Festival of Plastic Arts of Monastir in Tunisia where I created a visual work accompanied by a poem entitled « La femme tunisienne ». This poem ended up in the Governor’s office. What a marvellous surprise!

2022 Cercle des poètes de la Montérégie Recital, participation in Kevin Nichka-Boire show, Chambly Guard Corps, August 13;
2022 « Parcours » recital, Résidence Notre-Dame-de-Richelieu, Richelieu, July 14;
2022 « Poèmes à la carte » recital, Bibliothèque Françoise-Maurice, Coaticook, April 27;
2018 Les Résidences Richeloises, McMasterville, poem ‘Les naufragés oubliés’, October 21;
2018 Harp and poetry, City of Saint-Basile-le-Grand, poems: ‘L’œuvre de Chagall’ and ‘Vivre au temps présent’, April 27;
2017 Houses SNJM Longueuil, ‘Je suis un jardin’, January;

2016 Mayor of Carignan, The Cercle des poètes de la Montérégie celebrates Quebec on June 17;
2016 Harp and poetry, City of Saint-Basile-le-Grand, poem: ‘Happiness’, April 29;
2016 Brossard Library ‘Kasala’, poem: ‘I am a garden’, March;
2016 Houses SNJM Longueuil, poem: ‘La lumière des mots’, January;
2015 Collection of artworks and poems: ‘Mille mots en images – Sur les traces de…’;
2015 ‘La liberté’, Fall exhibition, Musée des beaux-arts de Mont-Saint‑Hilaire, October 18;
2015 ‘Je brûle de 10 millions d’étoiles’, Carignan, June 19;
2015 ‘La traversée des mots’, Résidence Richeloise de McMasterville, June 7;
2015 ‘Harp and poetry’, Saint-Basile-le-Grand, April 24;
2015 ‘La poésie, un pont entre nous’, Musée des beaux-arts de Mont-Saint‑Hilaire, March 22;
2015 ‘La traversée des mots’, Bibliothèque de Beloeil, March 8;
2015 ‘La lumière au bout des mots’, Maison des SNJM, Longueuil, January 11;
2014 Maison des SNJM, Longueuil, January 5;
2014 ‘Sur les traces d’Ozias Leduc’, November 23;
2013 ‘La mémoire de l’eau’, Musée Saint-Hilaire, October 27;
2013 ‘L’habitant du pays actuel’, Carignan, June 20;
2013 ‘Le Québec en nous, d’hier à demain’, Carignan, June 21;
2013 ‘Les vitraux de l’église de Saint-Constant’, poems entitled ‘La croix du chemin’ and ‘Ta présence’;
2012 ‘Rendez-vous poétique’, Poissant et Fils Chapel, St-Constant;
2012 ‘L’encre bleue’ poetry contest, Cavalère-sur-Mer, France; poem entitled ‘Rêverie’;
2012 ‘Soirée des Poètes de la Montérégie’, theme: ‘Love’, Bibliothèque de Saint-Philippe-de-Laprairie, February 14;
2011 ‘L’encre bleue’ poetry contest, Cavalère-sur-Mer, France, poem entitled ‘La musique des anges’;
2011 ‘Harp and poetry’ evening, Centre civique Bernard-Gagnon, Saint-Basile-le-Grand, unique collection deposited at the library, April 29;
2011 ‘Mille mots en images’, Poissant et Fils Chapel, St-Constant;
2011 ‘Images et Poésie’, Maison Melançon, Candiac;
2010 ‘Harp and poetry’ evening, Centre civique Bernard-Gagnon, Saint-Basile-le-Grand; unique collection deposited at the library, end of April;
2010 ‘Mille mots en images’, Centre culturel Claude-Hébert, St-Constant;
2010 ‘Images et Poésie’, Maison Melançon, Candiac;
2009 Celebration of St. John the Baptist, Carignan City Hall, June 17;
2009 ‘Mille mots en images’, City Hall, St-Constant.

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2015 Poetic biography: ‘Montserrat – initiateur de changements’, Éditions Belle Feuille, July 2015, ISBN for printed version: 978-2-924530-29-0, ISBN for the digital version: 978-2-924530-30-6.
2020 « Méditation poétique sur les pierres sauvages » Mille mots en images, 2020 edition, ISBN : 978-2-9813346-5-7, poems « L’alchimiste » et « Ni d’Ève ni d’Adam »;
2019 « Écrire avec les poètes » Cercle des poètes de la Montérégie, 2019, ISBN : 978-2-981-3346-4-0;
2018 « La musique de l’âme », Éditions mp tresart, ISBN: 978-2-9816519-1-4, pages 68-71 and 76-79;
2016 « Et si les mots parlaient », Éditions mp tresart, ISBN: 978-2-9813646-7-9, pages 36-38;
2016 « Plongée dans les eaux de la mémoire » inspired by « Histoire d’eau » about the Empress of Ireland, 9 octobre;
2016 « Kasala », poems from CPM, ISBN: 978-2-981-3346-2-6;
2016 Mille mots en images – « Exubérance » ISBN: 978-2-9811366-6-4, pages 28 & 46, pages 15 & 81;
2016 « La lumière et les mots », poems, ISBN: 948-2-9813346-2-6;

2015 « La traversée des mots », poems about childhood and life, March 8;
2015 Mille mots en images 2015 – « Sur les traces de… »; poems « Blessure », « Second regard » et « Souffle ultime », ISBN 978-2-9811366-5-7;
2014 ‘Mille mots en images – Impétueuse nature’, AvR, poems: ‘Dragon à l’œuvre’ and ‘Soir d’hiver’, ISBN 978-29811366-4-0, September;
2014 ‘Mille mots en images – Plaisirs éphémères’, AvR, poems: ‘Ondes’ and ‘Concerto éphémère’, ISBN 978-29811366-3-3, February;
2014 ‘Quand la poésie épouse l’art – Illusions décolorées’, ISBN 978-2-9813546-2-4, South Durham in May; Vaudreuil on September 13;
2013 ‘La traversée’, CPM, ISBN 978-2-9813346-1-9, Third quarter;
2013 Agenda d’Art ‘Plumes et Pinceaux’, page of February 11;
2013 ‘Ma Galerie de poche’ Art Agenda, page of December 30;
2011 ‘Mille mots en images – Contes et légendes’, ISBN 978-2-9811366-2-6, ‘Les beaux danseurs’ p. 6, ‘L’hadal abysse’ p.26, ‘L’ire de la mer’ p.28;
2010 ‘Mille mots en images – Réflexion’, ISBN 978-2-9811366-1-9, poems: ‘L’arbre de vie’ p.32, ‘L’ultime combat’ p.42;
2009 ‘Mille mots en images –Quartz’, ISBN 978-2-9811366-0-2, poems: ‘L’attente’ p.29, ‘Le Chaman’ p.33, ‘Bourrasque printanière’ p.59.

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2011 « Amies, soeurs, femmes ». I read this poem in front of the parliamentary guests at the Salon of the Speaker of the House of Commons in Ottawa, approximately fifty, on March 8, 2011, where we celebrated Women’s Day. On this day, I was invited by Alexandra Mendès MP, to exhibit the Collective ‘Jamais je n’oublierai le 6 décembre 1989′, a 5′ x 8’ mural painting, a project I conducted in 2010 with the collaboration of the personnel and students of École Polytechnique de Montréal to commemorate and pay tribute to the victims of this sad tragedy.
2009 ‘Amies, sœurs, femmes’. Poem read by Céline Lemire-Mercier during the ceremony held at the Notre-Dame church in Montreal to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the tragedy that occurred December 6, 1989 at Polytechnique;